Friday, May 8, 2015

Living in a Sandcastle

My daughter was watching cartoons this morning and said something that really got me to thinking...

Mommy, I wish we lived in a sandcastle.

The minds of children are so simple. She doesn't need a big house or lots of toys in her mind. Just a sandcastle on the beach, with the ocean nearby.

As adults, we tend to get wrapped up in the material things in life. The kind of house we live in, the type of car we drive, the material posessions we have. Life would be so much simpler if we stopped to appreciate the small things more. Sure, there are things that are necessary in day to day life and the extras are nice sometimes too but, what happened to the times when all of that was not so important?

This world gets so busy that we let simple things and lifes pleasures just pass us by without notice. It is a sad reality that could use a bit of change!

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