Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Finding That Balance When You Work From Home

I have been a stay at home mom for a few years now and absolutely love it. While it is the most rewarding job I have ever had, it is also the most challenging at times. At the beginning of this year, I decided to become a work at home mom. My husband owns a lawn business that he does well with but I just felt like I should contribute somehow. Having three young kids, daycare costs would be out of this world and I would strictly be working to pay day care.

While this blog is a new found love for me, I have been doing freelance writing for several months now. When I started, I became faced with a huge challenge. How was I going to find balance between work, being a mom, and being a wife. Yes, I know, people do it every day. My problem came in finding time to dedicate to work between three kids constantly needing something, etc.

While I have by no means perfected this, I have found a few things that help me to get it all done and still keep my sanity somehow!

Wake up early
Sounds crazy huh? Most moms do not get enough sleep as it is so why in the world would a mom WANT to wake up early?! For me, I have become accustomed to having very little sleep at night. I am also a morning person so I do not mind getting up early. I actually LOVE the quiet time. It gives me time to get my thoughts together and figure out what the day will hold for us. The stillness of the house before the hustle and bustle begins is priceless.

Set Goals
Goals are very important if you are going to accomplish work from home. I have goals pertaining to my blog, goals for my freelance work, goals in my family life, and goals for our home. I am a very visual person and have found that actually writing my goals now, makes me more accountable. I work harder to achieve them so that I can mark them out. Gives me an absolute sense of satisfaction.

Make a Checklist
I find that making a daily checklist of things that I want or need to accomplish, helps to keep me on track throughout my day. Some days I get to check everything off and other days, the kids simply have a different idea in mind for me. I usually take my morning quiet time to get my list together. These are sometimes simple tasks such as organize the silverware drawer. Other days it may be a bit more involved. You might find it easier to make one checklist for work and home life. I personally make a separate one for each. While my work is from home, I still try to separate the two as much as possible to help with that balance.

Involve Your Kids
I know that often times when you recruit the help of the kids (depending on age), the simplest of tasks seem to take twice as long. But, kids love to be involved. If my kids are having a hard time entertaining themselves I put them at the table with me while I am on my laptop. I give them paper, pencils and crayons and give them simple little tasks such as "draw mommy a picture of" or "write this". They feel like they are working as well and it keeps everyone in one area. My kids are fortunately still at the age that they love to help around the house as well. They have to clean their own rooms but I try to give them other tasks to make them feel involved and important as well such as, taking the clothes from the dryer and putting in the laundry basket, sweeping the floor, dusting, etc.

Multi Task
I have become a whiz at multi tasking since I became a mom! I always try to find ways that I can do a couple of things at once. I will start the washer and then sit down to write for a bit until I hear the buzzer. I always keep an extra notebook in the car so if I find myself sitting and waiting somewhere, I can pull it out and work on simple tasks such as blog ideas or article prompts. Multi tasking really helps me get more accomplished throughout the day.

Know When To Stop
One of the biggest struggles I have faced since I started working at home is knowing when to stop. For a while I was staying up super late at night trying to get a little more writing done or an extra load of laundry. Just because you work at home does not mean you have to work constantly. Learn to treat it just like a job that you would commute to. Know when to close your laptop and be done for the day. Make time to enjoy life and make memories with your family. Not only is this important for family relationships but for the sake of your sanity as well.

Hopefully these tips will help you in finding some balance with being a work at home mom. For me, it is constantly a learning experience and I have found that my "plans" are ever changing! Good luck in your journey!!


  1. These are very interesting and amazing list.
    I agree with these tips. Although I don't have children. I believe that work at home mothers should really involve their kids with some activities. It creates bonding and fun too.


    1. Thank you! Kids certainly make it an adventure lol. Mine love to be included and feel like they are helping mommy. You are exactly right it creates an incredible bond!

  2. Sounds like my life! My biggest challenge is involving the kids. Mine are pretty young but I figure in a few years they'll actually be able to help some :)

    1. Some days I miss mine being super young where they napped alot lol. Other days I absolutely love having them involved in everything :) It will be here before you know it!

  3. Thank you! I definitely need to incorporate the daily check lists and goal setting. I also am a sahm, and have started my blog seriously a couple months ago. It's hard work!

  4. My biggest obstacle is learning when it is time to turn off the computer and go to bed. I have only been a SAHM since October but am creating my own consulting company so I can contribute, just like you! I want to get so much done but feel there is never enough time in the day. Checklists definitely help!

    1. I was the same way. I was staying up super late and just felt drained the next morning. My kids still wake up some at night so some nights I was literally only getting a couple of hours of sleep. It is such a struggle because that is my quiet time to actually get things done!

  5. I love this as I am trying to start working from home! Question do you have a designated work area I don't and feel like I need one.

    1. I don't but I sure wish I did. I am sure it would help me to be more focused. Right now I work from the table and put everything away at the end of the day. Our dining room is kind of central to the house so it allows me to keep up with what the kids are doing while I am working. I have room in my bedroom for a work space but I would be tucked away at the other end of the house and just don't think I could get much done with having to get up and check on the kids every few minutes. They will all start school this year so maybe then I will try to create a space.

  6. These are so so helpful!!
    I am returning to work in 2 weeks after a glorious mat leave and it's going to be so hard.

    I need to take this advice and start prepping myself now!
    Getting up early is major for me. I am a night owl and mornings are rough. If I can get myself out of bed a little earlier and earlier for the next two weeks maybe I can convert to a morning person. Maybe...
    I'm going to try :))

    1. I have just learned to survive on very little sleep. Some nights I only get a couple of hours. I was in zombie mode for a while but have just adjusted lol. Good luck on transistioning back to work!! You got this momma!!

  7. I'm with Alicia, do you have a work space you go to?

    1. I don't. I have struggled with the idea of a work space. It would have to be in my bedroom and I would be tucked away and getting up every few minutes to check on the kids. Right now I work at the dining room table and just pick everything up at the end of the day. It is a pain but our dining room is centrally located in the house and I can keep up with everything going on with the kids while I work. When they start school this year, I will probably create a work space. It will help me to focus I think.

  8. Great post as always Shelley! You are a wonder woman, this is going to be VERY helpful for other Work at Home Mom's!

    1. Thank you so much! I love having you stop by!!!

  9. That last one is the hardest for me. I can't stop unless my husband says, "honey, it's time for us to go to bed" if not I'll stay up all night working on blogging. It's my guilty pleasure.

    1. Blogging is my guilty pleasure as well!! I spend a ton of hours doing it!! Question for you Trisha, how often do you post to your blog?

  10. GREAT info. Thanks for posting. I printed it as a reminder! :)

  11. Excellent tips! I definitely need to pu!t some of these into practice

  12. Good tips! I'm not so sure about waking up early but I see the value in it.

    1. Waking up early is something people either love or hate lol

  13. These are great tips for managing work at home! Thank you for joining the Link-It To Me Link Party, I hope you will party with us again next week!
